At Cockburn Haigh Road Academy we believe that all students, regardless of their background, should be supported and challenged to attain the best possible outcomes during their time with us.
The Pupil Premium Grant is additional funding given to schools and academies to:
First introduced in April 2011, the funding is used strategically by schools to counteract the effects of deprivation on children and their families. Schools and academies receive funding based on the number of pupils who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years (Ever6).
Neither the government nor any government agencies dictate how the Pupil Premium money should be spent, but what is clear is that the money should be used to promote strategies which narrow the attainment gap between those students who would be considered disadvantaged and their non-disadvantaged peers.
You can read our overarching strategy, which is reviewed annually, and the impact statements of past spending by clicking on the links below.
2024 - 2027 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
2024 - 2025 Strategy Statement
2023 - 2024 Review and Impact Statement
2022 - 2023 Review and Impact Statement2021 - 2022 review and impact statement